Sunday, November 18, 2012

❀ The Fruits of Muhammad (PBUH) ❀

☛ Often time's people ask what are the fruits of the prophet Muhammad? So here is a list of the accomplishments and fruits of the ➬ blessed prophet Muhammad:

▣ The prophet Muhammad completely ➬ succeeded in his mission of getting rid of the overall ➬ pagan religion that had poisoned the Arab Hijazi society. He had taken the society and established order includin
g the ➬ elite away from the worst imaginable polytheism, this reprehensible polytheism was replaced ➬ by pure monotheism, ➬ no longer were the 360 idols being worshiped, ➬ no longer was any object or person worshiped alongside the true God, rather ➬ all worship became sincerely for God alone.

▣ The prophet Muhammad succeeded in bringing social ➬ reforms to a backward people. These were a people who looked down upon the poor as being worthless, in fact the enemies of the prophet Muhammad used to mock him because most of his followers were from the poor, and the pagans used this as their proof against Islam, saying if Islam ➬ was the truth then the strong and rich (the elite) would have been following it, not the weak and poor. Islam completely got ➬ rid of this backward concept, Islam elevated the ➬ status of the poor people, and no longer was this a society that looked down upon the poor, rather they were looked ➬ on as equals, and the society took it as an ➬ obligation to themselves to help the poor, rather than simply look down on them and leave them as they were.

▣ The prophet Muhammad ➬ elevated the status of women. Prior to Islam the women of the Hijazi society were paraded around as sexual tools, they would dance half naked for the drunk and raving pagans, and would often afterwards have to fornicate with the pagan men. Women also didn't have a legal right to an inheritance, and often times they wouldn't have a ➬ legal right to a voluntary marriage as well, they would be forced to marry into other family members once the husband died, and at many times were forced to remain in a marriage against their will. Islam ➬ gave the women the right to an inheritance, and the ➬ right to who she wants to marry, and the ➬ right to not be forced to remain in a marriage. On top of that the hideous act of burying daughters alive was ended once and for all, and thanks to that the genocide of generations of females had been averted.

▣ The prophet Muhammad brought ➬ modesty to an immodest people. As stated above, the women used to be paraded ➬ half naked singing and dancing, and the people used to perform their religious rites while ➬ naked as well! After the prophet Muhammad these people became some of the ➬ most modest people ever known. They became a people who ➬ covered up while praying, the women became a people who ➬ covered their beauty, ➬ not displaying it out in the open, rather now it was what is inside her that counts.

▣ The prophet Muhammad fixed the backward ➬ moral character of the people; they were a people who loved alcohol, fornication, and gambling. After the advent of Islam ➬ alcohol was gradually forbidden, ➬ gambling was outright forbidden, and so was ➬ fornication (even given a punishment if committed). They became a people who rather than being drunkards, fornicators, and gamblers, to a people who became religiously committed with ➬ observing prayers, ➬ fasting, giving ➬ charity, and performing several other ➬ religious rites.

▣ The prophet Muhammad got rid of the ➬ tribal culture, before the advent of Islam people would look after one another based on tribal belongings, after the advent of Islam it did not matter which tribe you belonged to, you became ➬ one community, all equal, and all under protection of each other. It did not matter if you were from Makkah, or Medinah, you would not be discriminated against because of your tribal roots.

▣ The prophet Muhammad got rid of the ➬ backward culture of taking advantage of the weak, and not looking after them properly. Islam brought strict rules on treating orphans and the weak, warning of severe punishments if these groups were mistreated, and if any of their belongings which had been passed down to them had been abused or withheld from them.

▣ The prophet Muhammad turned ➬ a weak and useless people into one of the ➬ strongest most disciplined society, a society that became feared and respected by its enemies, and a society that eventually overthrew the oppressive regimes and the two major world empires of the pagan polytheistic Persians and that of the Nazi like Byzantine empire, the events of these began to set into ➬ motion during the last years of the prophet Muhammad, and came into complete impact just a few short years after his death.

●►|●► So ladies and gentlemen these are the fruits of the prophet Muhammad, he achieved success on a complete level, both on the theology and social affairs.

➲ And Allah Certainly Knows Best! And May Allah send his Mercy and Blessings upon the prophet Muhammad and his family just as he sent his Mercy and Blessings to Abraham and his family, Ameen.

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