Friday, October 5, 2012

The many breeding grounds of terrorism:

Israeli Kids Training With Machine Guns. All for the holy state.

Below are quotes from the Chicago Tribune News Paper that should shed some light upon why America receives terrorist attacks from some Muslim countries.

"According to the UN, the sanctions it has imposed on Iraq since 1990 have contributed to the deaths of at least 500,000 Iraqi children.   (The many breeding grounds of terrorism, by Marda Dunsky, Chicago Tribune News Paper, September 23, 2001, section 2, page 9)"
Also, CNN tells us that Iraq lost more than 1.5 million civilians from the UN Sanctions that are imposed by the United States.

"Implicit in Oslo, though, was the notion that a necessary condition for peace would be Israeli military withdrawal from an evacuation of its colonies in the West Bank and Gaza Strip - a formula derived from international law and consensus as expressed in the Fourth Geneva Convention and UN Resolution 242. Seven years and three Israeli governments later; however, the Palestinian Authority had gained sole control over less than one-third of those territories - much of it in the urban areas where the majority of the 3 million Palestinians live.  Meanwhile, the Israeli settler population in the occupied territories had nearly doubled to 200,000; the number of Israelis living in illegally annexed East Jerusalem had reached 200,000.   (The many breeding grounds of terrorism, by Marda Dunsky, Chicago Tribune News Paper, September 23, 2001, section 2, page 9)"

"We see freedom and the rule of law as the underpinnings of our way of life in the U.S., but we allow our government to conduct a foreign policy that obstructs liberty and justice beyond our borders. (The many breeding grounds of terrorism, by Marda Dunsky, Chicago Tribune News Paper, September 23, 2001, section 2, page 9)"

"What our own society will look like in the years to come also will depend to a degree on what the Middle East will look like as long as we continue to be present in it.  Detaching terrorism from the context in which it breeds is not only illogical, it is perilous.  (The many breeding grounds of terrorism, by Marda Dunsky, Chicago Tribune News Paper, September 23, 2001, section 2, page 9)"
It's quite obvious that the attack on the US on 9/11/2001 is a direct result of the United States' unfair treatment to the Muslim world, especially when it comes to Israel.   It seems that the US is willing to enter a nuclear third world war for Israel.

To all Americans:  For how long are you going to allow yourselves to be cheap tools for the Zionist Israel?  And should you really die for Israel?  If yes, why?!

Please visit The Jews' Holy Book, the Talmud's offensive views toward Jesus, Mary and women.   Their Holy Book says:  Jesus is burning in hell in "boiling hot semen  (The Talmud, Gittin 57a)".
Forgiveness and revenge in Islam.  There is a difference between being a peaceful person, and a coward hypocrite in Islam.

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